Schools Website Compliance

Having Websites for schools is a great way to showcase all the activities that take place in a school as well as giving parents and pupils a place where they can find important information. There are a number of pieces of information that must be displayed on a school site for it to be compliant. Here are just a few of them.

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Contact details – all schools must clearly display their name, postal address, telephone number, the name of the individual who deals with queries and the name and telephone number of the teacher who has taken on the role of SENCO.

Admission – all schools must have online their admission criteria and the policy that they follow. This will lay out the number of pupils that they can take in each year as well as the criteria against which they allocate their spaces.

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Uniforms – a copy of the uniform policy must be made easily available to parents with an outline of all the clothing and equipment that is needed for pupils who attend the school. Links may also be given to the shops in which the clothing can be bought.

Ofsted – the latest ofsted report should be available to parents and this could be a simple link to the government website and the location of the ofsted report. Exam and assessment results may also be given on the website or again a link may be provided to the location of the assessment data.

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