Making the Most of your Website

When it comes to getting your business online, there has never been a better time to do it. With the world in lockdown, businesses all around the world are having to adapt and change how they do business. Being seen online and engaging with customers through social media has never been more important if you want your business to weather the storm. There are companies that offer online services for businesses such as white label SEO services which can help your business be seen online.

When it comes to your website, there are a few things to remember if you want to give the customer the best experience possible and hopefully get them using your company again.

A mobile friendly website is essential – many companies don’t realise that their site is not mobile friendly but with so many people using smartphones to make purchases online, this is one of the most important things to do.

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The website should be clear – do not bombard people with too much information in one go, and make sure that each page has a clear call to action – you don’t want customers thinking ‘well this looks great but I don’t know how I can actually buy it’ – then using a competitor with a better site.

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Make sure that the site is quick loading – there are lots of things that you can do to make the loading time quicker – nobody wants to wait ages for a site to load! Have a chat with your web designer to explore your options, as you will certainly be able to speed up the loading time!

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