The world’s worst chemicals

We need chemicals to drive the modern world we live in. They are essential for the continuing life that we live. However, they come with a price. Many of them are dangerous, and if there is an issue with them, then the need for some Spill Kits, like those from hydepark-environmental will be required; what are some of the worst chemicals that we need to take extra care of and what are they used for?

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  • Botulinum toxin. The most poisonous substance known to humankind, it can paralyse muscles. However, you may know it as Botox, marketed as smoothing face muscles and wrinkles.
  • Batrachotoxin.  Have you heard of the poisonous dart frog? This is one of the most dangerous animals in the world because it produces deadly batrachotoxin. It has no practical use other than being used by indigenous tribes to hunt.

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  • Piranha solution. An unpleasant mixture of hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid. Whilst it is dangerous, it is incredibly effective at cleaning glassware of unwanted residue following an experiment.
  • Dioxygen difluoride: This is an interesting chemical compound. It has the ability to make whatever chemical it combines with explode. It is one of the reasons why it has the name FOOF as part of its chemical makeup.

The Care of Substances Hazardous to Health, or COSHH as it is better known, is used in all circumstances. If these guidelines are followed, you should find that there are no issues with the storage and the use of such substances.

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