Preparing and Being Organised for Moving House

Moving house is a real upheaval and it is not known as one of life’s more stressful situations for nothing! Making sure that you are well organised is one way to help take some of the stress out of this and helps you to be more in control of the situation.

The whole process of selling your house and buying another one is stressful because there are lots of things that can and often do go wrong – buyers pulling out, surveys coming back with problems and changes in circumstances and finances are just a few things that can happen that are out of our control and contribute to the stress of a house move. Many people go through a rollercoaster of emotions during the whole process due to things like this happening, and the property market is not the best right now, with prices of properties set to crash.

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However, taking control of the things that you can, will mean that it is less stressful for you – here are some things that you can do…

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Pack Early – Getting your packing done in advance gives you more time to do it properly and keep it well organised. This is also a great opportunity to have a declutter, so get rid of the things that you no longer need so that you are not taking them with you. Going room by room and labelling all of the boxes means that it is also easy to unpack and find all the things that you need when you get to your new home.

Organise your Transport for the Day – Whether you are going to be getting a removals company, or you just need to get a larger vehicle for the day from somewhere like this van hire Bristol based company do this in advance so that you know you have it booked. If you need people to help you move, this is also something that you should arrange in advance, as people will be more likely to have that time free and not have arranged anything else if you ask them early, whether it is friends and family, or a professional removals company.

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