The perils and perks of owning and running your own small independent business.

When you own and run your own small independent business you are taking on all the risks of failure but hoping to achieve all the benefits of success.  You have to work long hours for very little reward to start with and slowly build up your customers and clients until your little firm starts to flourish.  At this stage it is incredibly important that you KYC or Know Your Customer, finding out if they are a legitimate client, how long they have been operating, what their credit is like, if they can be trusted and where they are based.  This can be a long and complicated process, so if you are a smart, forward thinking business owner you could employ a professional company such as to do all the hard work for you.

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Fraudsters and scammers are targeting small companies and individuals using their innocent business bank accounts to launder money.  Conducting a thorough and in-depth search of any potential customer is essential to keep your little company safe. Now you’re starting to grow and achieve some success, it is time for you to reap the benefits.  Paying yourself a decent wage, employing staff to help you and investing in your company’s future.

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Seeing your business grow from a small seed of an idea into a flourishing company, like a sturdy tree, you can continue to grow safely in the knowledge that all your customers are legitimate.

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