Considerations when sending perishable goods

When shipping perishable goods, careful planning and attention to detail are crucial to ensure the products reach their destination in optimal condition. Let’s take a look at the key factors to consider.

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Choose packaging materials that provide insulation and protection against temperature fluctuations. Use insulated containers, thermal blankets or specialist packaging designed for perishable items. Packaging should also be sturdy enough to withstand handling during transportation.

Temperature control

It is important to maintain the appropriate temperature throughout the shipping process. Perishable goods often require refrigeration or freezing, so use temperature-controlled vehicles or shipping containers. Monitor and record temperature levels regularly to ensure compliance with the recommended storage conditions.

Shipping methods

Select a shipping method that suits the perishable nature of the goods. Expedited shipping is often necessary to minimise transit time and reduce the risk of spoilage, so consider using express or overnight shipping services for time-sensitive items. If you need to send perishable goods, find a reputable same day courier London such as


Be aware of and comply with any regulations or restrictions relating to the transportation of perishable goods. This may include adherence to food safety standards, customs requirements, and international shipping regulations.

Dry ice

Dry ice plays a vital role in the shipping industry, serving as a solution to keep perishable goods cool during transportation. For shipments with unconventional dimensions, accurately determining the required amount of dry ice can be a challenging task. A useful guideline involves employing a simple formula: calculate the volume of your package by multiplying its length, width and height, then divide the result by two.

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Provide clear and accurate documentation, including product information, handling instructions, and any necessary permits or certifications. Proper labelling is essential to help the handlers identify perishable shipments and follow specific handling procedures.

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